Monday, March 8, 2010

New Girl

So, today I met New Girl.  She's the new assistant in our office at work and pretty cool.  We went to Panera for lunch and she is just so excited about our office.  I'm really glad to see that because a lot times, people come into a new situation and are so indifferent. 
Best thing about New Girl is that she loves to play Disc Golf!  That's wonderful!  She is the first girl that I've ever met that enjoys playing Disc Golf.  Perhaps one day, she'll come out and play with us. 
Speaking of Disc Golf, I convinced a guy at work to play with us.  He eventually backed out because he was nervous about coming out and sucking.  I explained to him that at least once per outing there is one person in our group who throws the disc directly into the tree that is in front of them, only to have the disc bounce back in their face.  Our skill level is probably zero, none, sucks.  Basically, whatever the scale is, we're at the bottom.  We found it very humorous that someone was worried about not being good enough to play with us.  That would probably be about the same as an able-bodied person saying that he is not skilled enough to play basketball against parapalegics.

When I used to live in NY, I remember my friend Chris coming over every night when I lived in my apartment.  We would hang out and watch the NBA playoffs or whatever was on.  It was really cool to have a friend that I could hang out with and have a good time.  Chris and I used to play basketball, or backyard football.  He was the most real friend I can ever remember having.  I wish he lived near me more than anything so that we could hang out like we used to.

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