Sunday, March 28, 2010

Microwave Popcorn

Have you ever looked at the inside of a bag of Microwave Popcorn before it's been popped?  Do yourself a favor and open one up.  My guess is that this will be the last bag you ever purchase.  The mixture is just disgusting and knowing that this will eventually end up inside your body is downright repugnant. 

Fortunately, there is an answer for you. 

1.  Presto Pop Lite Hot Air Popcorn Popper
This allows you to purchase additive free kernals and pop them using only hot air.  The best thing about the Hot Air Popper from Presto is that it pops almost every kernal without burning anything that was previously popped, and you can add whatever toppings you'd like to.  All of this for about $15-$16, plus the cost of kernals, which is minimal.  We bought this style, and there was a coupon in the package for Orville Redenbacher kernals, which when doubled made the purchase a no-brainer!
2.  Presto Orville Redenbacher Hot Air Popcorn Popper
Similar to the Pop Lite, this has been branded by Orville Redenbacher and it gives you a few advanced features.  Either product will leave you happy for some time.  Go to and pick up yours today!  This is for around $20-$25 and for the price is a complete steal!  No word on whether or not there is a coupon in this package, but my guess is yes!

The Presto guys will take care of you if anything should ever disappoint you about the product.  One thing that impressed me about this company was the time and money they put into product development to ensure that their products are the very best! 

All in all, no matter which product you go with, you're going to thank yourself!  Now, do yourself a favor and go throw out all that microwave popcorn and it's gross additives!

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