You know that you've become slightly domesticated when your wife says to you in the most excited voice ever, "Honey, Country Crock is buy one get one free AND we have a coupon!!!"
I am really glad that we're about to have 2 gigantic tubs of butter/lard in our refrigerator. Who am I kidding. I got excited about paying only $2.47 for a gallon of milk.
I've decided that the USA Today is trying to rip me off. They want to charge me $190 for a year's subscription. Seriously? This is why all of our newspapers are going under. Who in their right mind would pay this? They have to get creative or something, because no one says that it's all about the Benjamins when it comes to paying for the news. Worst off, most days I end up reading the newspaper in bed before I go to sleep. I really like the paper, but it is way too expensive.
Nothing like hearing Martin Bashir say the name of the band Insane Clown Posse. That reminds me of this one day at Fila. This guy came in and asked if they carried Gangsta Wear. Kelly, the store manager, replied "Oh yes, we have gangster wear". There wasn't a more caucasian phrase ever uttered in the history of the world. As a follow up to the Martin Bashir story, he is interviewing Insane Clown Posse and wants to know what "....from Pluto to your anus" is supposed to mean to youngsters. ICP (I stole that acronym from Martin) asked Martin if he was a grown retard. Who decided to put this combination on television? It's painfully awkward to watch.
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