Monday, March 29, 2010

Wasting Time

There have been so many changes to technology in recent years.  Often times, I talk about when I was a senior at St. Bonaventure and we used something called "telenetting" to chat with people.  It was the precursor to Instant Messenging as we know it today. 
It appeared on a screen that looked like DOS.  Once you got into a chat room, there was a list of 20-25 people with their screen name, location, server, and your "doing".  Your doing was a sentence that would tell others what you were doing.  Not too complicated by any stretch of the imagination.  Every chat room had a sysop that you could chat with or could monitor users.  Often times, their "doing" read "working....may not answer".  One day, a friend that I used to chat with created a doing that read "answering....may not work".  Without graphics or images, you had to work to be clever.  My name was Bedrocks after the old club in WNY named the Bedrocks Cafe.  I never went, but adopted the name because so many of my friends went and I was living vicariously through them.  I know, I know, that's one of the lamest reasons to create a name ever.  I lived a sheltered life growing up, what can I say.  Come to find out years later that it really was a dive.  The name lives on though.  Most people try to conjure up some joke about me and the Flintstones, as if I haven't heard them all.
Now onto the point of why I'm really writing today.  I joined facebook about a year or two ago, not understanding how to navigate it at all.  My goal was to get more legit friends than Jill.  This isn't like those people who become friends with everyone regardless of if they even know the person. 
Ok, time for another lame story. 

When I was a sophomore in high school, I thought that it would be really cool to get 100 people to sign my yearbook.  I did, but now looking back on that, many people I barely knew and I wonder why this was so important to me.  The high school I went to was really cool.  I thought it was the best in the area.  Unfortunately, a few years after I graduated, the school board decided that it couldn't maintain 2 high schools in the same city, so they tore mine down.  That was really disappointing to me.  I really couldn't believe it.  This was the school where my classmates marched in the middle of the street to city hall to get a traffic light in front of our school after Michelle Thurman was hit by a car.  Funny thing, the light is still there, even though the school isn't.  I hope that light stands forever so that Michelle didn't die in vain.  This was the school with an auto shop, horticulture department and the coolest courtyard in the city.  I still don't understand why students were barely ever allowed out there.  I won't drive by the site if I'm back in the city.  I can't bare to look at what they did to the place where I spent 4 of the most important years of my life.  I believe that there is a Walmart there now.  I guess it's true when they say Walmart is taking over the world.  They took a great school, great teachers, and a great community.  I suppose it was going to happen eventually, but the fact that it was torn down so shortly after I left makes me wonder about the students who attended the new school and thought it was shiny, new, and great.  Maybe, but it wasn't anything close to my school.

I really have gotten off the beaten path.  Back to my FB story.  Once I got more friends than Jill, I realized that all of my friends were similar to me.  Every now and again, they posted something interesting on their Wall.  Sometimes they posted Farmville, Mafia Wars, or some other gaming update.  But other than an isolated conversation, it really was only a window into the lives of people I know in some way.  I don't know how many people I'll keep in touch with, but I hope to have deep and meaningful friendships, rather than a glance through a window into their lives where I look in and wish I was cool enough to really hang.  Well, I know that I'm cool enough but for most of my friends in order to hang, it would involve a car ride that I can't make in a matter of minutes, but rather hours. 

Stay Classy Facebook!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Microwave Popcorn

Have you ever looked at the inside of a bag of Microwave Popcorn before it's been popped?  Do yourself a favor and open one up.  My guess is that this will be the last bag you ever purchase.  The mixture is just disgusting and knowing that this will eventually end up inside your body is downright repugnant. 

Fortunately, there is an answer for you. 

1.  Presto Pop Lite Hot Air Popcorn Popper
This allows you to purchase additive free kernals and pop them using only hot air.  The best thing about the Hot Air Popper from Presto is that it pops almost every kernal without burning anything that was previously popped, and you can add whatever toppings you'd like to.  All of this for about $15-$16, plus the cost of kernals, which is minimal.  We bought this style, and there was a coupon in the package for Orville Redenbacher kernals, which when doubled made the purchase a no-brainer!
2.  Presto Orville Redenbacher Hot Air Popcorn Popper
Similar to the Pop Lite, this has been branded by Orville Redenbacher and it gives you a few advanced features.  Either product will leave you happy for some time.  Go to and pick up yours today!  This is for around $20-$25 and for the price is a complete steal!  No word on whether or not there is a coupon in this package, but my guess is yes!

The Presto guys will take care of you if anything should ever disappoint you about the product.  One thing that impressed me about this company was the time and money they put into product development to ensure that their products are the very best! 

All in all, no matter which product you go with, you're going to thank yourself!  Now, do yourself a favor and go throw out all that microwave popcorn and it's gross additives!


Most people who celebrate Easter love this holiday because it falls in line with the beginning of Spring.  The weather is usually pleasant, and after being forced inside to seek refuge from the snow and cold all winter, it's literally a breath of fresh air.
With all holidays these days, the emphasis has shifted from religious celebrations, to the main focus being secular celebrations.
Well, having said that, what I saw at Target this week would make Peter Cottontail cry.  The markups on their Easter supplies (candy, baskets, decorations, etc.) have gone through the roof.  Items that are normally a dollar or two are now going for 3 or 4.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
More and more I'm seeing that the average joe is being priced out of anything.  Look at sporting events, for example.  You can't go to a pro game unless you're willing to spend at least a couple hundred dollars, between tickets, parking, food, etc.  Prices for everything are going up at a much higher rate than normal inflation and in the same time, people are losing their jobs or having to take pay cuts.  Most people consider themselves lucky to have their pay remain stagnant. 

Well, all was not lost.  I can proclaim that Walgreens has saved the day!  They have several reasonable alternatives.  Being on the buying side, I can see how these companies are putting the squeeze on retailers to increase prices, but Walgreens has sidestepped this issue by carrying off brands of staple Easter items that can retail at several dollars lower than their name brand equivalents.  Target, for some reason, has not bought into this philosophy. 

I can't help but think that this wouldn't be necessary except for the buyer at Target must not be very good at analyzing their business.  Every holiday there is so much stock left over that you are forced to deeply mark down the stock at a loss just to clear the way for the inventory that you have to bring in for the next holiday.  If they would just cut their buy in half, then they would be able to sell almost all of their inventory before it had to get to the mark down phase and they could charge a more reasonable rate from the get go.  At some point, the Target seasonal buyer has a margin to protect.  My guess is that since they are taking such a blood bath with all of the inventory that they have to mark down to 75% off, that they have to take an increased markup initially in order to make any money at all.  The little guy ends up paying for these increases, which is just disappointing.  The consumer has to make up for companies that are telling buyers that they have the greatest thing this side of Mason-Dixon and buyers who don't analyze their business deeply enough to realize that they are marking down at least half of their inventory.

Unfortunately, the only reasonable solution is to take a stand and celebrate holidays a couple of days after the actual holiday.  That way you can buy your Easter candy on Easter Monday at 75% off, and the consumer is finally a winner!  Somewhere, Clark Griswald is nodding his smile of approval!

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's the cost of 3 hours?

There are so many people who charge an hourly rate.  Mechanics, Doctors, Plumbers, Clowns, Tutors, probably even politicians.
I've wondered if I charged an hourly rate how much my time would be worth.  I got to thinking that one cold afternoon as my car wouldn't start.  Funny thing about my car.  It has a security device in it.  I'm thankful that my car is extra secure, but it's worth almost nothing, so why would I be concerned about someone trying to steal it?  Well, the security device has a propensity to short out.  When that happens, the car will not start and there is nothing you can do about it. 
Thank goodness I have AAA right?  So, I call the trusty 800 number on the back and they tell me that it will be 45 minutes (which I'm pretty sure is their standard response) before someone is going to come out and help me.  They ask me if I want my car towed.  Well, I'd like to see if the battery is dead and if it isn't then I'd like the car towed.  AAA guy #1 arrives about an hour and a half after I make the call.  Let me remind everyone that it is very cold out.  Below freezing would be a conservative estimate.  This guy arrives, hooks my car up to his battery jumper.  Nothing.  Ok, tow me away.  He can't do that, because his car can only check your battery, it can't tow you.  So, now I've got to wait 45 minutes for another agent with a towing device to tow me.  Let me add at this point that 45 minutes becomes another hour and a half, and would have been longer had I not gotten on the phone and let the fur fly.  Why does it come to me having to release the fury?  By this point, everywhere that my car could possibly get towed is closed.  My dealership has agreed to take my car as long as it gets in before 9pm.  This problem all began at 5.  At the time of the problem, I could have gotten towed right down the street and been in good shape.  At 9pm, there aren't many places that you can get towed.

Here's a fun fact for everyone.  Basic AAA will get you towed 3 miles for free.  Plus will get you towed for 100 miles for free.  So basically, if you have basic AAA, enjoy the free maps, because that's about all you'll be getting for you $42 a year.  The Plus is $75ish a year.  So basically, you get maps and when your car breaks down you get towed a little further.  You know how much I had to pay to get towed?  $42. 

So, this is where my membership will be going this year.  I will NEVER sign up for AAA again.  The cost to get towed on that delightful freezing cold evening is only slightly higher than a whole year's membership. 

Dear AAA,
love always,


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How I met Jill

I was getting ready to begin my National Writing Project class at UNC-Charlotte.  As usual, I was running late.  At the time, I remember thinking that it should take no more than 30 minutes to get to campus, although for some reason on this day, with all of my dilly-dallying it took more than 45 minutes.
I walked into the building thinking that almost none of my classes as an undergrad started on time, so I was probably good. 
As crickets could be heard chirping, I stumbled into the classroom.  Honestly, it was probably a lot louder than that.  I had sneakers that didn't fit me properly, so I was clumping all the way down the hallway.  As I walked in, everyone was already seated in a huge circle and the only chair available was all the way across the room.
I scanned the room and looked over everyone as they looked at what a dishevled mess I was.  We went around and introduced ourselves.  I didn't remember what anyone was saying though because I was so focused on what I was going to say.  Unfortunately, at this stage in my life this is how most intros went: "Hi, I'm Jeff!"  As I extend my hand to shake all I hear is "Blah, Blah, Blah..."  I was so bad at names, it was incredible.  So, invariably, if I was interested in someone's friendship I had to go through the whole, "What was your name again?" type of discussion.  I'm sure this grated on people who knew me.  So, I explain who I am, where I was from, where I did my undergrad, etc. and then I basically fell asleep while everyone else introduced themselves.  I always prided myself on being the considerate type.  I made sure not to snore over the people introducing themselves.
The class lasted about an hour or 2 and was mostly involving ice breaker type activities which I hate.  I would much rather sit back and be lectured to, while I fall asleep with my eyes open, especially at this early hour.  Ice breakers invariably involve getting up, moving around and talking to people you don't know.  This was not scoring points with me, for the point I've already raised.  When the class was over, some people came up to me and asked me questions about my background.  I'm sure my enthusiasm and alertness was contagious.  One of them was Jill.  She went to school near mine and recognized the name.  We talked and she walked with me to the campus book store.  My plan was to screw them over by getting the titles and authors of the books for my classes and then buying them on  You can get any book there for a fraction of the cost of the ripoff book store.  So, Jill and I walked there and then on my way back to the car we exchanged digits.  You could definitely see all of my endearing qualities were on display that day. 
Days later, we met for a concert before a NASCAR race.  On the way up there, I announced that I was going to puke at any moment.  I never puked, but you could see that I was on the path to charming my way into marriage.
So, to summarize, if you want to get married, fall asleep in an important class or meeting that someone else is paying for, then ignore people who introduce themselves to you, after this, try to show how deceptive, sneaky, and vindictive you can be.  Then involve discussion of bodily fluids on your first date.  You're sure to land the girl of your dreams!

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Girl Squared

So, last week, you may recall, we had a new girl start in our office.  Well, I found out that I am moving into a new office and another new girl is going to be working in my old position.  Since neither has been trained on vital systems, I am training both of them, while trying to accomplish everything on my to-do list.  YIKES! 
The words are not exactly free flowing to explain how I feel about training 2 people, while doing my usual tasks and the tasks of the new office that I am going to be working in. 
Well, I'm sure that there is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but in the meantime, I seem to be stepping in skittle infested potholes.  It's hard to imagine how one person can do this much and not get the white coat slapped on them. 
On a positive note, New Girl #2 is really good.  She asks good questions and wants to learn, as opposed to one girl that was hired who is trying to become the 10th caller on the local country station while working.  Seriously?  Who does that?
I'm just hoping that my boss doesn't have a nervous breakdown having to be in the office with 2 brand new people and no one with experience to rely on.  Although there is something to be said for people who give the department a fresh look.  This should go over like a Screen Door on a Submarine

On another note, I'm watching Along Came Polly (If I've already blogged about this, humor me) and the following line was uttered "I sharted dude".  It never occurred to me to put together the acts of passing gas and defecating into a term that is coinable.  This isn't even an SNL bit.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Living on the Edge

You know that you've become slightly domesticated when your wife says to you in the most excited voice ever, "Honey, Country Crock is buy one get one free AND we have a coupon!!!"

I am really glad that we're about to have 2 gigantic tubs of butter/lard in our refrigerator.  Who am I kidding.  I got excited about paying only $2.47 for a gallon of milk. 

I've decided that the USA Today is trying to rip me off.  They want to charge me $190 for a year's subscription.  Seriously?  This is why all of our newspapers are going under.  Who in their right mind would pay this?  They have to get creative or something, because no one says that it's all about the Benjamins when it comes to paying for the news.  Worst off, most days I end up reading the newspaper in bed before I go to sleep.  I really like the paper, but it is way too expensive. 

Nothing like hearing Martin Bashir say the name of the band Insane Clown Posse.  That reminds me of this one day at Fila.  This guy came in and asked if they carried Gangsta Wear.  Kelly, the store manager, replied "Oh yes, we have gangster wear".  There wasn't a more caucasian phrase ever uttered in the history of the world.  As a follow up to the Martin Bashir story, he is interviewing Insane Clown Posse and wants to know what "....from Pluto to your anus" is supposed to mean to youngsters.  ICP (I stole that acronym from Martin) asked Martin if he was a grown retard.  Who decided to put this combination on television?  It's painfully awkward to watch.

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Girl

So, today I met New Girl.  She's the new assistant in our office at work and pretty cool.  We went to Panera for lunch and she is just so excited about our office.  I'm really glad to see that because a lot times, people come into a new situation and are so indifferent. 
Best thing about New Girl is that she loves to play Disc Golf!  That's wonderful!  She is the first girl that I've ever met that enjoys playing Disc Golf.  Perhaps one day, she'll come out and play with us. 
Speaking of Disc Golf, I convinced a guy at work to play with us.  He eventually backed out because he was nervous about coming out and sucking.  I explained to him that at least once per outing there is one person in our group who throws the disc directly into the tree that is in front of them, only to have the disc bounce back in their face.  Our skill level is probably zero, none, sucks.  Basically, whatever the scale is, we're at the bottom.  We found it very humorous that someone was worried about not being good enough to play with us.  That would probably be about the same as an able-bodied person saying that he is not skilled enough to play basketball against parapalegics.

When I used to live in NY, I remember my friend Chris coming over every night when I lived in my apartment.  We would hang out and watch the NBA playoffs or whatever was on.  It was really cool to have a friend that I could hang out with and have a good time.  Chris and I used to play basketball, or backyard football.  He was the most real friend I can ever remember having.  I wish he lived near me more than anything so that we could hang out like we used to.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Disc Golf

One sport that is up and coming is Disc Golf, which is played with miniature frisbees, baskets and courses of different terrain.
The discs are similar to golf clubs in that they are specially made for all different circumstances.  Some are made for people who slice to the left/right.  Some are made for distance, while others focus on accuracy.  Each throwing style has discs that are unique to that throwing style.
I enjoy using the Tomahawk throwing technique.  This involves throwing the disc like you would throw a tomahawk, or like a baseball pitcher throws a pitch.
Playing disc golf is very relaxing and a lot of fun.  Each week my best friends and I get together at a different course.  We've played just about every course in the area.  I never knew that there were so many different parks that housed disc golf courses.
The BEST part about playing is that there is virtually no additional cost, other than the purchase of discs.  You can get a starter set from Sports Authority or Dicks for around $20.  After that, the only time you have to buy new discs is if you lose one, which is fairly common due to the courses being heavily wooded in some areas.  Many experienced players own better than 10 discs though and have one for any occasion.  You have to be prepared to throw in tight spaces, to curve to the left or right, go for distance, or a combination of  these things.
Many people even bring their dogs to walk the course with them.  The dogs we see are so well trained and behaved.  I would like to bring my dog, but she's too young and would probably run all over the place and try to chase the discs. 

Monday, March 1, 2010


Ok, this is my product review of Dynamo, which is about as available as typhoid fever in these parts.  Why is it that whenever there is a decent product on the market, they take it off as soon as I get hooked. 

To be fair, I've been using Dynamo ever since I moved out of my parents house, back in the mid 90s.  It's in a green jug and smells good.  Not one of those gross overpowering smells.  It's perfect.  So, throughout the years, I've found it harder and harder to find Dynamo.  It was at BJ's, then they took it away.  I don't even remember where I got it after that.  Eckerd carried it for awhile, then they dropped it.  KMart was the last to carry it, and now they have dropped it.  I'm begging for someone to tell me where I can buy some Dynamo.

The best part about Dynamo was that it was very inexpensive.  As I went up and down the aisle, Dynamo was always the most affordable, other than the store brands.  They never advertised on television and there were rarely ads in the newspaper selling it.  I'm pretty sure that's why none of the stores carry it anymore.  One thing I've noticed about laundry detergent is that it's a very personal decision.  You decide on a brand and then you're hooked.  In a way, that brand identifies you and vice versa.  Now, here I am.  I have 2 jugs left and I'm about ready to have to go through a big decision.  My laundry detergent is divorcing me and I've got to put myself back out on the laundry detergent market.

Sure, it seems easy.  You go to the aisle.  There are all those brightly colored jugs calling you.  But, you know on the shelf where the All now sits, there used to be Dynamo at one point.  Then there's the inevitable.  One day you know I'm going to find some Dynamo after I've made the switch.  So, do I cheat on my new detergent at that point and have a fling with Dynamo?  You know it's only going to be a fling because once the detergent makes itself scarce in stores, the end is near.

Dynamo, it was nice knowing you.  How's that for a product review?