Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Guy!

One of the funniest things that a few friends adopted while working at Tops was that whenever a new person started working there, we'd refer to them as "New Guy" or "New Girl".  There was a guy, named Bobby Singh, who would actually go make name tags for the newbies that said "New Guy".  In fact, I left to go to school and came back months later and was shocked to see "George", or whatever the person's name was, on his name tag rather than "New Guy".  I was like, "New Guy, what's this all about," as I pointed to his name tag. 
In any event, I have carried this on to all of my other jobs since.  In fact, one time at my last job, a "New Girl" started and then a week later there was another "New Girl" in the same department.  Needless to say, it was confusing.  Proper protocol is that they keep the "New Guy/Girl" moniker for 2 weeks.  After that it becomes ridiculous. 
As I began a new job last month, I was now the "New Guy" and I told them that it was only customary that they replace my name plate with "New Guy".  On a positive note, they have me listed in the company directory as "Jeffrey Thomas".  UGH!  Who does that?  Was my mom in the new associate setup area?  I told them they could call me JT for short.  Ugh.  That, and whoever set up my email account used my full name and so everyone is emailing me, "Hi Jeffrey!"  Ugh! 
One of the best parts of the new job, other than being called "New Guy", is that I get to bring Sammie to work with me.  It's great, because she can play in the dog park that is on-site, or she can relax in my office.  It's a lot of fun for her and it makes my day a lot more interesting.  =)

Now For The Pictures!

First Day on the Job!  You can just barely see my "Scuba Hulk" placard that I was given when I got on board.  It's Rock Star!

I was trying to get Sammie to stay still but she was so excited about being at work that this blurry mess was the best that I could do.  This is her first day on the job!

Sammie checking out the happenings of the Companion Animal division. 

Sammie at the watering hole.

Sammie asleep on the job!

I've found that one of the best ways to keep her busy is by stuffing her Kong with some food.  She literally is going to town for as long as there is even the slightest odor of food left on the Kong.  We are approaching "Squeaky Clean" status at this point. 

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