Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can you tell me how to get...[redux]

Stop me if you've heard this one before...
2 Adults and a dog, drive across country in a car that is stuffed to the gills with worldly belongings...

Not even gonna lie.  The first item in the car was my flat screen tv.  The flat screen was getting packed and then "let's see what else we can fit" was employed.  The dog was cramped.  The wife was cramped.  I was cramped.

Obligatory worst part of the trip -
Saying ok to my wife when she decided to put us in that Motel 6 in Big Spring, TX.  I literally slept with one eye open all night long.  That place smelled.  There were sketchy people lurking in the breezeways with their doors open.  Meh!  Don't even get me started on the fact that the bed sheets were collages of all that was well and good with Motel 6.  If that was truly the case, they would be empty/white except that the filth would show up in a NY Minute.

Obligatory best part of the trip -
Xanadu!  Staying in the Hampton Inn in Tuscon, AZ.  That place was heaven on earth or at least it seemed that way coming on the heels of the Motel 6.  I was like hell with the road trip, I'm going to live in this place because this is clearly nicer than any place I've lived, let alone stayed. 

So, here's the damage - 4 days, 36ish hours, stops at every "welcome center" rest stop to take the picture with Blood Gnome.  That's an inside joke, but the gist of it is that I have a broken Cincinnati Bearcats Gnome that follows me everywhere.  It's terrific and weird all at the same time. 
Most importantly - 0 incidents, and at the end of the day that's all that is really important, isn't it? 

So, while I'd really like to write more, the dog is pushing her wet nose into my arm.  For those lay people, that's the I have to go to the bathroom type of nudge.  So on that note...

1 comment:

tia joy said...

Jeff, so excited for you! You have been on my mind! Keep me posted with how everything is going! Be safe, have a great adventure :)