Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cross-Country Trip --> Day Tres!

The highlight of our 3rd day was clearly leaving the Motel 6.  Not even gonna lie, I never thought it would be so cold deep in the heart of Texas.  Pretty sure it was like 33 degrees when we left, although a large part of that could be that we left at the crack of dawn due to our sketchy neighbors in the Motel 6 in Big Springs.  I halfway expected to wake up and see a corpse or some other unconscious individuals laying in the doorsteps of their rooms with trash and graffiti everywhere.  So, basically, I've been watching too much CSI/ Law and Order/ 48 Hours...you get the idea.  As a result, I'm going to get Stone Philips to narrate the rest of my blog.

So, we hit the road amongst frigid conditions and then we had the coffee incident.  We traveled about an hour or so towards El Paso and then stopped to get a warm beverage.  I had the idea that I could walk Sammie while Jill went inside McDonald's to get her drink.  About 45 minutes into the freezing free for all, I began to wonder where the deuce Jill was.  Thoughts of abductions filled my mind. All I could think of is some backwoods type movie involving chloroform and a house in the woods.  The kind of flick that at least one person in the group is deciding to wuss out off because they don't like to be scared or some crap like that.  These same people think that "Blair Witch" is a cuss word, by the way.  Not judging, just saying.

Just as my mind was about to go completely off the deep end, Jill comes walking out of "the restaurant" (it was McDonald's, so you can barely qualify it as a restaurant.) with nothing.  So now I'm totally confused.  Was she sitting inside the restaurant drinking her coffee while I was outside freezing to death?  She came into the car and was pissed because the girl didn't put the top on correctly and the coffee spilled everywhere and she was too frustrated to go back.  Being the supportive husband that I am, I told her that we weren't wasting the 2 bucks/45 minutes (which seemed more like half a day at this point) and that she was going to go back and demand a new cup, which she did and within a few minutes all was right in her world.  She was hugging the cup as if she was an eskimo sitting over an ice fishing hole and most likely happier than a bumblebee on a flower.

That is until we encountered Ciudad Juarez.  "HONEY!  THE BLACK LINE IS ON THE GPS AND WE ARE RIGHT ON TOP OF IT!!!!"  You can almost see her eyes bugging out of her head as she notices that we're driving alongside the international border that separates El Paso, TX and Ciudad Juarez.  Pretty sure she thought some Mexican pirates were going to jump out of a helicopter and land on our 65mph moving vehicle and pull off some Mission Impossible type stunt before hijaking our car, etc.  You get the idea. 

File this under "All Over the Place", but one of the more disturbing things is when we got out of the car at the "Welcome to Arizona" rest stop and discovered that there was absolutely no grass.  None.  Zilch.  Zero.  More grass in the glove boxes around the parking lot, than there was for miles on end.  This presents a problem when your dog has to go to the bathroom and she is used to going on the green stuff.  We walked around and finally she found a stony area that seemed to do.  What I didn't care for is that there were these little burrs everywhere and they were all getting stuck in her little paw pads and when I pulled them out, they were all bleeding.  Poor thing.  She's much more resourceful than I am.  I would have been crying like a bitch for the rest of the day.  Did I mention at this point the wife is still bringing up Ciudad Juarez, or the black line, or something else that I was unsuccessfully trying to tune out.

This day ended with a complete 180 from where we started.  We pulled into Tuscon at a Hampton Inn that seemed like a palace compared to the Motel 69 that we stayed at the previous night.  To make matters complete, it was like 70 degrees and there was grass.  And by grass, I mean resembling a lawn and not the Standing Room Only section of a Grateful Dead concert.  We walked to a local bar and grill, got some "To-Go" and ate the best meal we'd had in at least 3 days.  Next stop - SAN DIEGO!

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