Wednesday, December 9, 2009


When you go on vacation to a southern city, you really don't plan on packing sweatshirts, heavy coats and the like, but that is exactly what I had to do when coming to Dallas for this week.  The temperature this morning was 26 here.  I believe that it's supposed to get up to 45, but man is that cold.  I think that I read somewhere that when I return to Charlotte there's going to be snow flurries.  Man, I can't get away from that stuff.
Many people I talk to say that they love snow and can't wait to see some flakes.  I'm completely the opposite.  Being from up north, I've had quite enough of the white stuff.  I remember days where the snow was so high it was over my head, but we still had to go to school.  In Charlotte, they get a couple of inches and everyone drives like they've lost their minds.  Most of the roads are icy messes, but still people drive with reckless abandon.
So, yesterday, I went out to eat and did some sightseeing, which was fun.  There is a lot to see down here.  It's similar to Charlotte in that everything is new and there is construction in many places.  Right now, I'm sitting in a Barnes and Noble that, most likely, didn't exist 2 years ago. 
So, speaking of the B and N.  I'm here to work on my book.  Yes, I know.  The book that was supposed to be finished by summer.  I've gotten to the point where it stinks so much that I don't know what to do with it.  It's so long that it's hard for me to go back to revise because it's like a never ending process.  It's almost better for me to keep forging ahead and then when I'm finished revise the entire thing at that time.  That is a daunting task, but it seems more practical to me than if I go back and rework what I've done and then continue writing.  ERRRRRR, what to do, what to do....

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