Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ok, pictures to come...
The untimely death of our beloved pillow was not an isolated hate crime.  Instead, today, our once placid bedroom is now a path of destruction and carnage.  Our bedspread, forever warm and comforting, is now best served as a window, or basis for how paper mache is made.  Jill's Phillies hat, similar to that of many Phillie fans after this evening is now defaced and worthy of nothing short of the garbage.  You know how IRA companies send out their perspectus every so often?  Well, I would near to be Inspector Clouseau in order to read the latest version.  In all seriousness I would have better luck finding Waldo in our bedroom rather than being able to piece that little envelope chock full of sunshine together.
When you see the pictures, some clarity will be brought to the situation.  More to come.

15 minutes later....
Here are the pics.. bear in mind, that this was formerly an immaculate tranquil scene.  Image your reaction to this shit.


Jessica said...

Naughty Puppy!

Shannon said...

Oh CRUEL WORLD! What is a puppy to nosh on if not the master's pillow and comforter???