Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dissing me Hard

Ok, so I've gotten dissed not once but twice. We're going to a party on Saturday and there is a friend of ours who will be there. Well she is leaving this party at 10 to go to another party. What are we chopped liver, not cool enough, or what? This is on the heels of being dissed for our pumpkin gathering a few weeks ago. That was legit though as it was work related. I hope that she reconsiders. We'll find out Saturday.

Tomorrow night, I have absolutely nothing to do. Jill and I will probably end up staying home watching tv or something. I love all of the Halloween movies. We probably need to take down our Halloween decorations. You never know what the trick or treaters will do to your decorations that are on the front step. Our neighborhood is pretty docile, so there aren't any shenanigans. I remember this one time when I was in high school our neighbor used to work the lunch line at our school. There was a main line and a dessert line where you could buy ice cream products. Well, the ice cream line always got closed early. We would literally be standing in line and it would close. We'd look at the clock and there would still be several minutes left in the lunch period. One night we decided to exact our revenge. We walked down the street after dark and stopped across the street from our neighbor's house. "One, Two, Three, NOW," my friend yelled. We took the eggs that were in our hands and launched them as far as we could and then took off on a dead sprint in the opposite direction of the house, never turning around to see what happened. The sound of the eggs crushing against the vinyl siding pierced the night. Revenge was ours. The next morning we walked to school past our neighbor's house and saw the hose out and the house was dripping with water from being freshly sprayed. A quiet chuckle went around our group as we continued on to the bus stop.
Now, that's some sweet action. At least we thought. Most people are probably like, "Those Punks!" I think you have to react swiftly when met with such an injustice as the ice cream line being closed early. That'll learn them! MOOHOO HA-HA!

1 comment:

ThebakingOne said...

jeff you know wat your a toolbox