Sunday, October 4, 2009


Sammie had a doozy of a day today. Good thing for her that this wasn't the day that we decided whether or not we were going to adopt her. This morning, she greeted me by puking half an inch from my face in bed. Fortunately, I'm a total germ-a-phob, so I'm sure the fact that it soaked through to the mattress won't bother me too much. So, I'm over that and then I go outside to check on my cantalope that by some freak of nature, I've been able to grow despite my best efforts to kill it. I don't see it, so I'm thinking that I can't believe that some animal has taken this cantalope, because I've just been out there to water it a few hours earlier. As I walk back towards the house, despondent, I notice that Sammie is playing with one of her tennis balls. Approaching closer, I now notice that it isn't a tennis ball she's playing with, rather my cantalope which is not in the stomach of some savage animal, it's in the process of being devoured by my pet puppy. This did not exactly conjure up images of Lassie, let me tell you. Good thing for her that she's built up a lot of good will and that she's really cute and loveable.
I spent the weekend helping Shawn and Nichole with some tasks in their home. It made me feel really useful. I wish that I was this useful around my house. I feel like there are so many things to do but because of time, money, or lack of skill, they never get done. Anyway, I had a lot of fun and felt really good that I did some good things for some great friends. Jill and I went out to eat with Nichole and Cassie. Shawn was out of town for work. We went to "pizzarina" Uno Chicago Grill in uptown, then we went over to see Ashley at "Stone Cold" Creamery. We had a great time.
I have to start thinking about what to dress up as for Halloween. I have no idea and I don't want to spend a ton of money on a costume. I love Halloween, but choosing a costume is one thing that I could do without. I guess that I'm just not creative enough. I'm hoping for something that is easy and not too cumbersome. One time I decided to dress up as a mummy, so I wrapped t.p. around my whole body. It was the perfect costume, until I stood up and the toilet paper all fell around my ankles. That costume lasted all of about 5 minutes and then I decided to go costume-less for the rest of the night.

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