Have you ever seen this video? It reminds me of the Peti Paw, a.k.a., the Pedi Paw knock off.
Both are Snafu's - Sounds normal, Actually is fudged up....
The Peti Paw is the knockoff of the Pedi Paw....
You've seen this device, it's basically a sander for your dog's nails. It's a charming little device that makes a buzzing noise that probably sounds to your pet like a bee is getting ready to sting their brain.
Oh, don't worry owners, this little toy is a treat for you as well. Your pet is so overjoyed by the sound of this little peach that it takes 2 people to restrain them so that you can use the device on their nails. Never mind the fact that during the process your pet is squirming, slapping you in the face and emitting odors that smell surprisingly similar to your shorts after that one time you fell face first down a flight of stairs.
Yes, let me tell you, the look on your face will be surprisingly similar to George Costanza from the video. Do yourself a favor and go buy this little treat for a 4 legged loved one. The hours of enjoyment will leave a lasting impression on you. Either that, or you'll be in traction for weeks after your pet mangles you to death, but hey, it can't always be win-win, can it?
1 comment:
haha wow i can't believe i read the whole thing and realized i was actually reading about a knock off version. i am slow wat can i say!
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