Pics of the Week - 04.23.12
Jill, Blue Mews, Jeff, Rachel (Jeff's Coworker), and Red Ruff at the Phillies/Padres game on Friday, April 20 in the Petco Suite!
This is Sammie with some of her Easter presents from Grandma. She got a stuffed "Jack" and a rope. As a footnote, the rope is now in tatters.
Sammie at Dog Beach. This picture perfectly illustrates how awesome Dog Beach is. It seems to go on forever and the dogs can just run and play off-leash. It's terrific. This was also Sammie's introduction to salt water, which she doesn't quite know what to think about. She loves to stick her face in the water, but then she'll throw her face in the air and try to spit out all the salt on her tongue. The other dogs just look at her like, "What's the matter with her?"
This is a bulletin board that I created at work. Everyone loves it. Or, at least, that's what they're saying to my face. It's made up of pictures and "fun facts" about Aquatic Turtles and Koi. The idea is that people will think of their own fun facts, write them on the post it notes and stick them in the center of the bulletin board. One of the new additions today reads "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not aquatic turtles". Perhaps I should have been more specific about the types of fun facts we were going for.
Jeff and Jill at the Phillies/Padres game on Sunday, April 22. No, I have not given up my allegiance to the Yankees. I just wanted to make sure if the rowdies got after Jill that they would go easy on us if we had at least 1 Padre fan in the group. Truth be told, I was more in jeopardy of abuse and ridicule than she was. There were tons of Phillies fans at the game.
Pics of the week - 04.30.12
This is one of my favorite pictures.
Look in the cell phone. That’s me taking this picture of Jill as she is taking one of me.
We’re at a spiritual garden of some sort that overlooks the beach.
Amazing views!
This is Jill at the Encinitas Street Fair with her UFC style Dolphins hat on. |
This is a sign someone was selling at the Encinitas Street Fair.
El Jefe means “The Boss”, which I clearly am not.
This is a favorite nickname given to me by some of my Spanglish speaking friends.
Pics of the week - 05.07.12
Sammie checking out the Crested Gecko in my office.
Pretty sure she's wondering why it's getting to eat then and she isn't. |
The latest addition to the office. This is my Bearded Dragon.
They are much more social than the Crested Geckos, which are more nocturnal. |
I tried to get my Crested Gecko to show some signs of life, so I spread some food on the leaf and to my surprise the feeding frenzy was on. |
Jill and I at the Cinco de Mayo party. All of the gear I acquired when others discarded various Cinco de Mayo paraphernalia during the party. |
Sammie with the Cinco de Mayo hat on.
Clearly she is loving it! |
Loved the letter - great way to keep in touch. We look forward to the next one. Seems like you like the job and are having a great time in sunny CA.
Bob & Cathy
You are rocking that stache. Tony would be wicked proud. :-)
Y'all look like you are having so much fun!!
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