Tuesday, May 22, 2012

H.A.G.S. and all that other stuff no one ever means...part 2

I wrote a blog a couple of years ago about all of the things people wrote in my junior/senior high yearbook and for whatever reason it was by far the most popular blog entry I've ever written.  Not sure why, but back by popular demand, here is the 2nd edition.
If you haven't read the first edition, I'll link you to it here:
Again, look for my present day commentary in red.

Jeffrey Leardini "wuz" here "87"
Yeah, that's right.  Apparently, I was so pathetic that I decided to sign my own yearbook.  One word - PLAYA

Good Luck  See you in technology next year.
As this was written by one of my teachers, I should have taken this as a sign that things might not be going so well in class.

On the "Faculty" page, I wrote beneath it "Teachers"
Apparently, I was concerned that I might not figure out what that meant...

Good luck next year and summ
Is this like one of those dreaded word problems where they give you all of these clues...."Annnnnnd....SUM!  QUICKLY YOU FOOL!  SUM!!!!!!!"

So What's up?  Have fun this summer  get a girlfriend  see you at LShS
I believe Stephanie was majoring in Grammar with a minor in International Studies

hi! I'm glad we met and became friends.  Stay sweet cute and smart!  I don't really know what to say so I'll let ya go.  I Love Joe!
Alright then I'll talk to you later.  Buh-bye now.  I'll make sure to rip this page out and pass it along to Joe.

What's up.  Not much here.  Later
Well, since you asked, I went for a run this evening.  There was a slight dew on the lawn....

Maybe you'll pass and be with me next year in 9th grade.  And you might be half the size as me by then.
P.S. Don't change your attitude.
I should have realized I was behind the curve a little when my mom was still shopping at Osh Kosh well into my teenage years.

Hows it brewin?  Have a good summer and I'll see you in 9th.
Well, as Aaron could tell you, my growth was somewhat stunted, perhaps by that Mochachino I enjoyed each morning....

1 comment:

Cassie Cangelosi said...

I might be stealing this idea at some point. =)