Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Now Playing - Winter Storm 2011...Really?

All it takes in the south to be classified as a Winter Storm is snow of any kind.  I am hearing all of the business about there isn't any equipment to remove snow, or people just don't know how to drive in the south. 
You would think that it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if it's snowing out to reduce speed, increase following distance and don't slam on the brakes, but apparently that isn't common knowledge.  Also, I don't remember too many pickups in the north without the removable plow that was complete with purchase.  Isn't there anyone with one of these bad boys in their garage?  I'm pretty sure there aren't too many people that have one, but imagine if someone did.  They could make a killing!

So, to clarify, Winter Storm 2011 will consist of an inch or so of snow.  I'm pretty sure we can handle this one.  No need to clean out the grocery stores of bread and milk.  I wonder if the grocery stores have a deal with the meteorologists to dramatize a winter storm to the 10th degree when the sales of staple items go stagnant.  Wouldn't that be hilarious?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

At least kickbacks to the grocery store would explain the idiocy of people. Sheeple! SNOW is coming!! They make it sound like Armaggedon for goodness sake!