Don't we all. Here are some tips to create the team that will bring home the cash, or bragging rights, depending on how you're playing.
Step 1 - Create a cool name
Simply put, this takes creativity and talent. I'm sorry, but something you read off an internet website is lame. You might have thought it was funny, but really? Is that the best that you can do? Think about player names, or team names, and combine them with something else to create a funny name. For example, as a Jets fan my default name is Gang Green. Not too creative, but with a couple of tweaks, it could be Gang Green Eggs and Ham, Gang Green Acres, Gaggle of Green Maggots, etc. Fan of the Raiders? Da Rai-Durs, We almost have a normal IQ, CSI Dumb and Dumber Unit, Alcatraz Raiders, etc.
Step 2 - Create a cool logo
This is an interesting one, because fans complain all the time about the logo or jersey of teams. You would think that team owners would pay a lot or attention to this, but they don't. A fantasy team is only as strong as it's logo, so if you choose something weak, or use the default logo, then you are letting the fan base down.
Step 3 - Decide on a draft strategy
The people who go into a draft thinking that they will just follow the top 200 list or some other top player listing are doomed for failure. Those lists are created very generally without consideration towards individual league scoring systems or any natural biases that may occur. For example, over the previous few seasons one of the better performers may have loaded up against poor teams, while struggling against good teams. I would avoid drafting this player in favor of someone more reliable.
One idea is to look for a player who has a considerable advantage over other players at his position. Most people will start off selecting the best runningback, but if there is a difference making Quarterback who is 5 points better than any other at his position, then it might be better to spend a pick there. Runningbacks almost never last an entire season, so there is always an opportunity to pick up a back up. QB's are tougher positions. With all of the rules to protect a QB, they aren't getting injured as often. Last year, I was having problems logging into a league draft and by the time I was able to get through the filters my QB was already drafted on Autopick. I ended up with Matt Cassel. Ugh! I spent the remainder of the season mixing and matching to try and get a decent QB and it wasn't until the second half of the season when Vince Young took over for Kerry Collins that I was able to get a desirable replacement. On the other hand, the year before I had Tony Romo as my QB who delivered consistent numbers and was able to pick up Steve Slaton, Mewelde Moore and a host of others who delivered for a week here and there. I ended up winning the championship that year.
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