Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cancer is no joke!

A couple of weeks ago I was at the Dodger game, while in LA.  I had heard that the crowd was somewhat apathetic, but I found out exactly what they meant while visiting.  I was sitting next to a girl, who was approximately in her middle teens and during the game she was reading a Harry Potter book, which was written in Mandarin.  That takes Potter to a whole new level.

I'm looking around at our walls while I type this and they are just disgusting.  There are marks and splotches everywhere.  Ugh.  I hate painting, but I think it's going to become necessary before too much longer.  I remember when I moved to my first apartment I decided to paint the bathroom "Jets Green".  It turned out pretty good, but for years after that I found paint everywhere.  On one occasion, I remember talking to a friend on the phone while painting and when I was finished with my call, the cord being green and white speckled.

I wonder if Broccoli really kills cancer.  If that's true, why doesn't everyone eat broccoli like it's going out of style?  I just saw a story on the news about the weather person having a noncancerous tumor on her brain.  She's probably a few years younger than I am, so obviously that's pretty scary.  Maybe she doesn't care for broccoli.  Interestingly enough, scientists are coming up with a cure for cancer and I believe it's only a few years away.  I hear that the cure doesn't have anything to do with broccoli or any other vegetable for that matter, so maybe I should forward this blog onto them and see if they can get patients on a broccoli I.V. 

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