Sometimes life just tosses you a bone. I had a GRRRRRR8 dinner this past Sunday. Jill and I went to go eat over Meghan and Frank's house. We were treated to 4 pizzas and I'm not talking Domi-hoe's. These were homemade pizzas on the grill and my favorite was all of them. Let me try to remember all 4. We had Pesto (I think), BBQ chicken, pepperoni. The first pizza was gone so quickly that I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. We absolutely devoured it.
Kevin and Kristen made a really great dessert as well. It was like Strawberry Shortcake with Ice Cream! Yum!
That reminds me of the infamous Chili incident.
When I was about 8 or 9, we used to go over my grandma's house every day after school. She would watch us while my mom worked. One day, grandma told us that we would be having Strawberry Shortcake for dessert. My favorite at the time!!!! The only reason it isn't now, is because every sweet is tied for first. It's amazing I'm not 500 pounds.
Anyway, for every pot of gold, there is a trap door. The meal for the day was Chili, which up until that point I had no opinion on.
Grandma sat down my sister and I and we both tried the Chili and hated it. It was the worst food to touch my taste buds. I think I threw up in my mouth on multiple occasions.
We protested to Grandma that the Chili was awful, risking having our mouth washed out with soap. I'm not sure that she would have, but it seems to add good drama to the story.
Grandma was having none of it. She said that if we wanted Strawberry Shortcake, then we would have to eat all of the Chili. My sister was like, no problem, pushed the bowl away and went to play. I LOOOOOVED Strawberry Shortcake, so I suffered through the Chili, bite after miserable bite. It must have taken me over an hour to eat that one bowl. My mouth was burning, my eyes watering and my taste buds were disgusted.
I got my Strawberry Shortcake, which tasted like heaven after eating the worst Chili ever.
Epilogue -
Years later, Grandma told me that she tried the Chili while I was eating and thought it was the worst thing she ever tried also. I was like, "Grandma, if the Chili was so bad why did you make me eat the entire thing?" Grandma's reasoning was that if I was willing to eat the entire dish to get dessert, then she didn't want to reward my sister who had not slaved through this madness with dessert.
First of all, let me define willing. I was not willing. I only kept at it because I wanted that darn dessert.
Second of all, I didn't give a rip whether or not my sister had suffered.
Third of all, I will never touch a bowl of chili ever again. Years ago, we had a Chili-Off at work, where everyone made a pot of chili and we tried them all to see whose was the best. I skipped the whole ordeal and went out for McDonald's. I was the only individual to do so. Now that's some sweet action.
Your grandma should be smacked with a chilli bean!! THat was sooo mean to do to you!! Just for some darn shortcake too!
And really, you should at least TRY Chili again. It's pretty good. Besides, your tastes change every 7 fact for today!
It was Shrimp Scampi pizza. Glad you liked it!
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