Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here's how crap works

Ok, first an update on my book writing. I worked on it for about 6 hours yesterday. It was great to be able to lay around and just type without anything else to worry about. My goal is to work on it for about an hour on weekdays and then a to be determined goal on the weekend. Ok, that sounded totally lame. I need to commit to something.

3 hours on the weekend. That's reasonable. I mean, how the heck is this book going to get written if I don't spend time doing it.

So far, I'm up to 10 pages and about 2500 words. That's not too bad.

I went back to work today. I had a week off after my turbinate surgery. I feel so weird saying that because a couple of months ago, I didn't even know what a friggin' turbinate was. Anyway, I walk in and Obnoxious coworker (Obco for short) decides to discuss the daily work plan with me before I can even get my computer fired up. Apparently, I'm no longer capable of setting a plan for myself. I need an Obco to do it for me. How considerate. Well, there is a whole mound of work that Laco (Lazy coworker) didn't get finished. This crap was due today, but we've known about it for months. Thanks for saving it up for me! That was the best ever!

Back to the title of the blog -
Here's how crap works -
How I didn't see this coming is like Charlie Brown diving in the air as Lucy pulls the football away. Apparently at my work, the way CRAP works is that once you work as hard as you can to get your work done quickly, you get a pat on the back congratulating you on being such a good worker.....
Yea....not so much....
That's the way it should work, but the way it really works is that once you finish your mound of work, Obco and Laco see this as a great opportunity to dump their work off on you. What a treat! I was so honored. Makes me want to finish twice as quick next time so that all the Obcos and Lacos at work can dump their crap off on me. What a friggin' waste....how people get away with this hot garbage is beyond me.....

1 comment:

Shannon said...

It is good to have a plan for your book. I bet you get it knocked out in no time!!

And I'm totally stealing Obco and Laco. That is too funny!