Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Book Progress

I'm about 17 pages and 5100 words into my book. As you may have guessed, I'm slacking with my time commitments, but I'm still doing much better than I thought I would be doing. I hope to eclipse the 20 page mark by the end of tonight. If I can do that, I should be over 6000 words. I don't know how long the typical book is, but 6000 words seems pretty long, although not when I think of it in the context of 20 pages. A 20 page book really isn't worth too much. We'll see how this goes though. Hopefully I can get to 100 pages. I feel like I have a lot to write about, but 100 pages is pretty sick.

Today I got to stay home from work. We had a snow day. There was about 2-3 inches, although if this was New York, they wouldn't have sniffed twice before heading on to work and school. Tomorrow, Jill already knows that she has a 2 hour delay. I hope that when I wake up in the morning they'll say that we have a 2 hour delay as well, but I seriously doubt that they'll do that. The only way that they will is if there are icy conditions.

President Obama got sworn in today. It was a huge event. I don't remember how many people attended Bush's ceremonies, but this seemed like there were about a million people in the mall, and countless others on television. We'll see how his presidency goes! Hopefully he can fix the economy!

Alrighty then...I'm off to write!

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