this is going to be in the unsung category...
1. David Puddy
He has got to be the most underrated character in all of television history. The way he deadpanned every line.
Elaine as she's going into jail: "David, don't wait for me"
Puddy: "Ok" (Then he turns and walks out without blinking an eye)
In a separate episode, Elaine discovers that Puddy is a Bible Thumper and they get into a discussion about which one of them is going to Hell so they go visit a priest to discuss the matter.
Priest (upon clarifying that Elaine and Puddy live together and are not married) - "Oh well then it's simple. You're both going to Hell"
Puddy - "That's bogus"
2. Roger Hazard on Sell This House/Sell This House Extreme
This guy is the shit! You see him and there is no way you will predict what's coming next. He's the McGyver of home decor. This guy could come across a 2x4, some spacko, a paper plate, some duct tape and some confetti and all of a sudden you have a new design theme for your living room and it looks like a million bucks.
This guy is a genius. The best thing that A&E did was to give him a bigger budget and an extra 30 minutes per episode.
Favorite moment - Roger prewalks the house before making the improvements and, upon encountering an all purple bedroom with flowers everywhere, exclaims: "You've got to be *bleeping* kidding me", as he turns and walks out. Time spent in room: about 3.75 seconds, including time to spin around on back heel.
Best moment - Roger is able to recover/upholster/frame anything using duct tape. You wouldn't believe it. He takes the most inexpensive fabric and makes it look like the Taj Mahal of decor. No home decor hazard is too much for Roger!
3. Robert Stack from Unsolved Mysteries
I was too young to see The Untouchables, but I can only imagine Elliot Ness being one of the most iconic characters of his era. I get the next best thing when I watch Unsolved Mysteries and see Stack effortlessly narrate his way through some of the most dramatic mysteries captured on film. The way he transitions from a UFO sighting to an abduction and then to reunited loves. The worst part is when they decided to bring in Keely Shay-Smith to take some of the thunder off Robert Stack's plate. I hated the vibe that she brought, mainly because it meant less of Stack.
Favorite part: Whenever I would hear the funky music and Robert would say: "Update! Minutes after our broadcast, several people in the El Camino trailer park called our hotline to report..."
4. Two A-Holes from Saturday Night Live
Jason Sudekis and Kristin Wiig had one of the best gigs ever on SNL when they thought up the 2 A-Holes skit. There are various scenarios that are even more hilarious than the previous, like "2 A-Holes at a Nativity Scene" or "2 A-Holes at an adoption agency". The basic premise is that there's this totally serious scenario and these 2 superficial people come along and it becomes all about them as they show that they have no idea what the pee-ons of the world do.
Favorite moment: (During the "2 A-Holes at a Crime Scene" skit)
Cop: "What did he look like?" (To Wiig's character in regards to the criminal)
Wiig: "He looked like Jesus"
Cop goes through all of the sterotypical characteristics of Jesus - long hair, beard, etc. before giving up and asking how the criminal looked like Jesus
Wiig: "He was wearing sandals"
Best Moment: 2 A-Holes at an Adoption Agency
Sudekis to Wiig: "Do Borat, babe"
Wiig (rolls eyes and looks down at cell phone while smacking gum)
Sudekis: "Babe, do Borat"
Wiig (rolls eyes, sighs, and looks up) "My wife"
Sudekis (laughs and smiles then turns to Doctor): "See that my wife is smokin' hot and she does a kick ass Borat"
FYI - Borat impersonation = FAIL
5. Dalia Royce
You know her as the daughter of the rich next door neighbor, Dallas Royce, in the TV show Suburgatory. The looks of indifference on her face are priceless as she tries to comprehend the ways of the commoners around her.
Favorite Moment: In the episode, "Driving Miss Dalia", Dalia tries to get Tessa to drive her around. Tessa recently passed her driver's test and Dalia did not.
Dalia's Friend: "She'll pay you twenty bucks"
Tessa: "Psh, twenty bucks"
Dalia: "Fine I'll double it. $50 bucks"
Tessa: "Check your math"
Dalia: "Check your attitude, hooker"
They come to a agreement that Dalia would pay $100 and for gas. Dalia pulls the money out of her purse and says "Can you break a thousand?", and hands Tessa a thousand dollar bill.
Later on in that episode, Tessa accidently hits a car driven by Scott Strauss (Dalia's scope)
Dalia: "Tessa! You just banged Scott Strauss!"
Best Moment:
Dalia, upon seeing Tessa making out with a guy in public:
"Why don't you go buy a hotel"
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