Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If I tell you a rooster can pull a freight train, you'd better hook his ass up

Nothing too exciting happening around here lately.  We just got back from going to see Jill's mom and grandfather in Florida.  Funniest thing, Jill's grandfather, who we refer to as Bop, woke up the morning we were driving down there, decided he was bored and went out and bought a car.  He decided that his 2009 Honda Pilot wasn't cutting nothing but the cheese, so he traded it in for a Lincoln MKS.
That tells me that I'm not towing the line anymore with my 2002 Pontiac.  Oh well, my car needs can wait for awhile.  I'm not even sure what I'd want to get, but I think it would be neat for my car to hit the 10 year mark or something even further.

So, my neighbor, Nick, has these roommates who are positively awful.  Seriously, they are the worst roommates I've ever seen.  They leave oil stains in his driveway, holes in his bathroom door, and worst of all, they don't pay their rent on time.  What a bunch of freeloaders.  He finally decided that their nine lives were exhausted because he kicked them out this week.  My guess is that he won't soon have a worse roommate scenario.  I just don't get it.  How could people be that oblivious?

We are in the planning process towards building a bar in our basement.  I am trying to decide how I want the top to look, but the body of the bar should be a piece of cake to complete this weekend.  Famous last words, right?  We'll see how that goes.

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