In many ways, I can relate to Zuke. Throughout my formative years, many people would tell me that I was trying too hard to fall in love or find the right girl. At times, I would say that Zuke is obsessed. It seems like he has a whole business plan for how to capture the heart of Abby.
To show you how the story is layed out, I had forgotten Abby's name. For some reason, I kept wanting to call her Amy. I looked through summaries of the book and reviews and could not find her name anywhere. That's because this isn't about her. She is any girl in Anytown USA. It could have been any female. The story was more about Zuke game planning to win her heart and we saw the journey through his eyes, which I found to be unique. You're not usually privy to the guy's point of view.
I found the story to be well organized. I could clearly see the Rising Action, Climax, then the Falling Action. I was sucked in during the Rising Action because I wanted to see how Zuke's pursuit of Abby was going to turn out. I really need to go back and read the book again because I was so interested in this aspect that I glossed over so many of the character building details that could help me to put together the entire picture of who Zuke is.
The Bottom Line
I loved this book, because it made me think of my college life. I have to admit though, I never had a friend that was nicknamed Flabby, although I could have easily inserted Big Red. The point is that we all have a group of friends in college that we do weird things with, or have unusual rituals that we share amongst each other. Reading this book took me back to a place where I could recall these activities. This book will take you on the journey that you once took in high school or college with a great group of friends that you did everything with. What you won't get in Love on The Big Screen is the predictable journey. Life isn't predictable, so I feel like that is the one thing that Torgerson did that most people can embrace. He stayed true to himself by taking us on a voyage that made me think he was waiting to see how it was going to turn out himself. Life is not something that you can map out and come out with the canned response. Whenever you think things are lining up, there is always an unusual circumstance that comes up that is unforeseen. That's what I like most about Torgerson's writing style.
What I didn't like is that the book ended where it did. I would love for there to be a sequel or epilogue that picks up right where this book ends. It wasn't exactly a cliffhanger ending, but it left me wanting more. I suppose that's the gift of a good writer. They leave you wanting more.
The Birth of Dorm Ball
One day, my friends and I were hanging out in my dorm room and someone began throwing a basketball up in the air, as if they were taking the game winning shot in the NBA Finals or something. As we continued to talk, the ball continued to go up towards the ceiling and fall back into their outstretched arms. As this went on, we collectively wondered how close he could get the ball to the ceiling without the ball hitting. From there, Dorm Ball was invented.
How to play Dorm Ball
1. There are 10 rounds
2. There are 2 players
3. Each player sits at the far corner of the room so that they are at the furthest point, diagonally, away from each other.
4. Each player gets one throw per round. During this throw, they have to throw the ball to the person on the opposite side of the room. The object is to arc the ball as close to the ceiling as possible without having the ball hitting it. Also, the ball must go to the other player without the partner having to move from their seat to catch the ball.
5. There is a third person, who sits in the middle and scores the entire competition for both sides.
6. Scoring is from 0-10. A 10 is in the "I can't believe that didn't hit the ceiling category". Anything less than 5 is a completely pathetic throw. If the ball hits the ceiling or if the opposing player is unable to catch the ball because it's a bad throw, then a score of 0 is awarded for that round. If the ball lands short of the opposing player as a catchable throw, but that player drops or doesn't try for it, then there is no penalty to the thrower.
7. After each player has completed 10 rounds, the scores are tallied and whoever has more points is the champion. If the players are tied, then there is a 3-round overtime period.